
eMONAQASA Specifications

eMONAQASA is considered a user friendly online Service, whereby no installation software is required. Access can be from anywhere through a browser, and deployment is fast and easy.

Clients can use our uploading service to publish their new created Tenders. Bidders can also use it for their documentation, qualification and actual price bidding process.

eMONAQASA allows subscribed Client/Bidder to create Tenders, Invite Stakeholders, Submit and Review Tender Documents, Submit online bids and automatically be informed of the tender results.

If you want to experience a transparent and honest tender, why not utilise our system of on-line tendering experience and make your tendering process more efficient.

Services available for Clients:

  • Ability to create tenders with selection options.
  • Ability to invite Bidders.
  • Access to list of subscribed Bidders.
  • Receive bids online.
  • Alerts for critical issues.
  • Automatic bidding choices by system .
  • All documentation is available on our website for our customers to view and download if required. (There is no additional fee for the downloading of documents).
Services available for Bidders:
  • Company name and details shall be viewable for the listed Clients/Tender owners.
  • Invited for tenders.
  • Access to tender documents softcopy, terms and contracts.
  • Ability to provide electronic documentation and submit bids online.
  • Alerts for critical issues and dates.
  • Access to retrieve and review tender documentation history.
  • Access to different logs of access and change history.
  • All documentation is available on our website for our customers to view and download if required. (There is no additional fee for the downloading of documents).

eMONAQASA analyses the newly created tenders and draft an information schedule that summarizes the tender under headings such as:
  1. 1. Tender Open Date
  2. 2. Description of the work
  3. 3. Contract Period & Type.

Security to satisfy the most demanding client

eMONAQASA is designed according to a proven technology, with features designed to maintain the highest levels of security. These include:
  • Access control: sophisticated options to control access on three levels: by company, by project, and by user.
  • Physical security: data is secured in third-party data centers.
  • Security protocols: similar to those used in retail banking for end-to-end encryption of your most sensitive information .
  • Log-in and authentication data: transferred using a 128-bit SSL certificate signed by a Certificate Authority.
  • Optimum reliability: with redundant hardware, power, and communications infrastructure.

eMONAQASA service plans are great for small and big businesses. We believe that our service is a smart choice that your entity would join which includes everything you need to build your business growth in an effective, fairly and transparent atmosphere. You get all the features at a very cost effective price.
Since today the online/web service market is the fastest growing business sector in the world. With the proper turn-key service plans, you can quickly build your own successful business opportunities though online. eMONAQASA is the perfect endeavor for a transparent and anti-corrupted business environment.
We have maintained a personal methodology to our service. Whereby a market research of physical/online tendering services/procedures have been studied and analyzed thoroughly, in order to come out with a unique system implemented in eMONAQASA. This cost-effective and thorough service has proved to be a huge time and cost saving benefit for thousands of Clients.
eMONAQASA has provisioned a timely, accurate and cost effective tender bidding submission process.